Released on: February 6, 2008, 9:09 am

Press Release Author: Martine Drouin

Industry: Environment

Press Release Summary: Last year , consumers worldwide spent more than one hundred
billion dollars -$100,000,000,000- on commercially bottled water. Millions of
households feature complex water treatment systems. All to avoid dinking what comes
from the faucet .

And that's not only because of how it tastes. Public concern is rising on the
subject of what municipal water supplies may contain. Chemicals. Agridultural
runoff. Avariety of contaminants that we can't taste or see.

There is an alternative to expensive bottled water or ordinary tap water. It tastes
better. It is filtered to reduce pollutants. And it offers something more : it is
Pimag water. Discover for yourself the difference it makes .

The Pi-Water system is a unique technology , created throught the study of
bioscience. It is exactly the same as « life energy » which a living entity
naturally possesses. The application of Pi-Water system can activate the living
energy of plants and animals to promote their healthy growth.

The Pi-Water system is based on hatmony within nature


Last year , consumers worldwide spent more than one hundred billion dollars
-$100,000,000,000- on commercially bottled water. Millions of households feature
complex water treatment systems. All to avoid dinking what comes from the faucet .

And that's not only because of how it tastes. Public concern is rising on the
subject of what municipal water supplies may contain. Chemicals. Agridultural
runoff. Avariety of contaminants that we can't taste or see.

There is an alternative to expensive bottled water or ordinary tap water. It tastes
better. It is filtered to reduce pollutants. And it offers something more : it is
Pimag water. Discover for yourself the difference it makes .

The Pi-Water system is a unique technology , created throught the study of
bioscience. It is exactly the same as « life energy » which a living entity
naturally possesses. The application of Pi-Water system can activate the living
energy of plants and animals to promote their healthy growth.

The Pi-Water system is based on hatmony within nature . Pimag water is an
exceptional source of what your body needs. It can help restore the balance of
fluids that plants, animals- an human beings- are composed of internally. Pigmag
water is also less acidic then some tap water. Less-acidic water ia more harmony
with your natural fluids.

You need water every day . With Pimag water , you're not only replacing fluids that
are necessary for health , you're also enjoying the most delicious water you can
drink .

The Pimag deluxe includes a system of multiple filters that provides a defense
against the broadest range of tap water contaminants. It offers an exceptional level
of performance in the reduction of volatile organic compounds , lead, cysts, MTBE
turbidity, chlorine, bad tastes, odors and particulate matter.

The compound filtration system is extremely efficient - in NSF testing , on more
than 30 contaminant levels measured the reduction rate is greater than 90 %.

The final-stage filtration in the Pimag Deluxe Water system includes a natral
carbon filter that captures microscopic particles as small as 0.5 micron in size .
For comparaison , one micron is 0.00003937 inch. A human hair is 50 microns in

Drink from the water of live . A natural wonder, re-created. After producting Pimag
Water , pour it into the Optimizer pitcher . A powerful electric motor revolves a
pair of strong magnets , and a rotor inside the pitcher passes the water through
the magnetic field ans ring filles with pi ceramics . Yhis also agitates the water ,
packing oxygen into it in the same way that water is oxygenated when flowing over
the rocks in a stream .
Consumers say that optimized water tastes«lighter» than ordinary tap or bottled
water. Try it and see.

Web Site:

Contact Details: Martine Drouin 506-336-1102
142 1 ere rue shippagan N.B. E8S 1A4

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